
Saturday, December 30, 2023

155 Anything Goes

Hi! Thank you so much to those who linked up last week! 
Our Top Pick is:
Grab your TOP PICKS button from the sidebar!

Be sure to LIKE any projects entered
to help with the Top Picks!

Ch# 155
Anything Goes

You can enter any project you have created 

Every type of crafting welcome!

You can enter any project you have created 

Thanks for sharing your creations with us.
Have a blessed day!


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Thank you so much for visiting my blog, following, & commenting!!
:) Janis Lewis, Pause Dream Enjoy
Founder & Design Team, Crafting Happiness Challenges

Saturday, December 23, 2023

154 Christmas Trees

Hi! Thank you so much to those who linked up last week! 
Our Top Picks are:
3 Darlene Pavlick
6 SmilynStef
10 Liliane
Grab your TOP PICKS button from the sidebar!

Be sure to LIKE any projects entered
to help with the Top Picks!

Ch# 154
Christmas Trees

You can enter any project you have created 

Remember, you can enter any project you have created

Every type of crafting welcome!
Thanks for sharing your creations with us.

Have a blessed day!

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This linky list is now closed.

Thank you so much for visiting my blog, following, & commenting!!
:) Janis Lewis, Pause Dream Enjoy
Founder & Design Team, Crafting Happiness Challenges

Saturday, December 16, 2023

153 Santa / Reindeer

Hi! Thank you so much to those who linked up last week! 
Our Top Picks are:
#1 Liz Williams
#2 Sherri Thacker 
Thank you so much, ladies, for sharing your stocking creations!
Grab your TOP PICKS button from the sidebar!

Be sure to LIKE any projects entered
to help with the Top Picks!

Ch# 153
Santa / Reindeer

You can enter any project you have created 

Remember, you can enter any project you have created

Every type of crafting welcome!
Thanks for sharing your creations with us.

Have a blessed day!


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Thank you so much for visiting my blog, following, & commenting!!
:) Janis Lewis, Pause Dream Enjoy
Founder & Design Team, Crafting Happiness Challenges

Saturday, December 9, 2023

#152 Christmas Stockings

Hi! Thank you so much to those who linked up last week! 
Our Top Picks are:
6 Hobbyhoek Anne
7 Carole J
Grab your TOP PICKS button from the sidebar!

Be sure to LIKE any projects entered
to help with the Top Picks!

Ch# 152
Christmas Stockings

Please note:
You can enter any project you have created PAST or PRESENT.

Every type of crafting welcome!

Thanks for sharing your creations with us.

Remember, you can enter any project you have created

Have a blessed day!

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This linky list is now closed.

Thank you so much for visiting my blog, following, & commenting!!
:) Janis Lewis, Pause Dream Enjoy
Founder & Design Team, Crafting Happiness Challenges

Saturday, December 2, 2023

#151 Christmas Music

Hi! Thank you so much to those who linked up last week! 
Our Top Picks are:
1 Chrissy
2 Pinky 
Thank you ladies for sharing your beautiful creations.
Grab your TOP PICKS button from the sidebar!

Be sure to LIKE any projects entered
to help with the Top Picks!

Ch# 151 
Christmas Music

Please note:
You can enter any project you have created PAST or PRESENT.

Every type of crafting welcome!

Thanks for sharing your creations with us.

Remember, you can enter any project you have created

Have a blessed day!


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This linky list is now closed.

Thank you so much for visiting my blog, following, & commenting!!
:) Janis Lewis, Pause Dream Enjoy
Founder & Design Team, Crafting Happiness Challenges

Saturday, November 25, 2023

#150 3D Projects (Christmas Stockings, Boxes, Bags, etc.)

Hi! Thank you so much to those who linked up last week! 
Our Top Picks are:
7 Helen
8 Paperesse 
13 Chrissy
Grab your TOP PICKS button from the sidebar!

Be sure to LIKE any projects entered
to help with the Top Picks!

Ch# 150
3D Projects 
(Christmas Stockings, Boxes, Bags, etc)

Every type of crafting welcome!

Thanks for sharing your creations with us.
Remember, EVERY type of crafting is welcome !!

Have a blessed day!


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This linky list is now closed.

Saturday, November 18, 2023

Ch#149 Brand New Challenge Up !

Now WEEKLY Challenges
that start on Saturday!

I'm so excited!!
Here is a brand new challenge for you this week!

I went back to work in May and have had a ton of fun at my new job, but during that transition, didn't have a lot of time to blog and create paper crafts.

Now that things are settling down, 
I'll be back to posting
WEEKLY challenges on SATURDAYS
and back to choosing

Thank you so much to those who linked up in our last challenge! 
Our Top Picks are:
#4 DIY Napkin Rings
#6 ~Deanne~
#19 Mary Marsh

You guys are so important to me, 
and I want you to have a positive uplifting experience
here at Crafting Happiness Challenges.  So get ready!

This week's challenge:

#149 Turkeys or any Animal

Any type of crafting welcome

Be sure to LIKE any projects entered
to help with the Top Picks!

Thanks for sharing your creation with us.
Remember, EVERY type of crafting is welcome !!

Have a blessed day!


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This linky list is now closed.

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

November: 148 Thanksgiving / Harvest - Every type of crafting welcome

Hi! Thank you so much to those who linked up last month! 

Ch# 148 
Thanksgiving / Harvest
 Every type of crafting welcome

Sunday, October 1, 2023

October: 147 Halloween - Every type of crafting welcome

Hi! Thank you so much to those who linked up last month! 

Ch# 147 
Every type of crafting welcome

A couple of you have asked... I am not doing top picks anymore. 
This is a place to share your makes and get inspired by other's creations.

Friday, September 1, 2023

September: 146 Anything Goes - Every type of crafting welcome

Hi! Thank you so much to those who linked up last month! 

Ch# 146
Anything Goes - Every type of crafting welcome

Tuesday, August 1, 2023

August: 145 Anything Goes - Every type of crafting welcome

Hi! Thank you so much to those who linked up last month! 

Ch# 145 
Anything Goes - Every type of crafting welcome

Saturday, July 1, 2023

July: 144 Anything Goes - Every type of crafting welcome

Hi! Thank you so much to those who linked up last month! 
Top Picks - chosen by me &
197 MamaPia
120 Elizabeth H
3 Dressing Table
200 Carrie Sheridan
Grab your TOP PICKS button from the sidebar! 

Ch# 144 
Anything Goes - Every type of crafting welcome

July 1st is my birthday! Woo hoo!
It's hard to believe how close I am to 60.
Hope everyone has a fabulous month.

Thank you so much for sharing your art with us each month.
I appreciate all of you sooooooo much!

Thursday, June 1, 2023

June: 143 Anything Goes - Every type of crafting welcome

Hi! Thank you so much to those who linked up last month! 
Our Top Picks are:
(chosen by

#55 Magia
#88 Monica C
#104 Silke
#146 Timeless Arrangements

Grab your TOP PICKS button from the sidebar!

I went back to work in May for the first time in decades,
but there will still be monthly challenges on the 1st each month!
However, there will no longer be a design team, 
instead it will just be me sharing one of my projects for inspiration. 
I obviously won't be able to comment on every entry, 
but I do see all of the entries when choosing Top Picks.

And for the rest of the year -  the challenges are:

Anything Goes - Every type of crafting welcome!!

Easy Peasy! 

I appreciate all of you!

Ch# 143 
Anything Goes - Every type of crafting welcome

Monday, May 1, 2023

May: 142 Anything Goes - Optional Flowers theme

 Hi! Thank you so much to those who linked up last month! 
Our Top Picks are:
#8 SmilynStef
#10 Aunty Sue
#13 Lorraine A
Wonderful creations!
Grab your TOP PICKS button from the sidebar!

Now on to this month's challenge...

Ch# 142 Anything Goes - Every type of Crafting Welcome




Saturday, April 1, 2023

April: 141 Rainy Weather

Hi! Thank you so much to those who linked up last month! 
Our Top Picks are:
30 Judy V
65 Dewi
70 Julia Vasquez
Grab your TOP PICKS button from the sidebar!

Now on to this month's challenge...

Ch# 141 Rainy Weather
Any type of crafting welcome





Wednesday, March 1, 2023

March: 140 St. Patrick's Day or lots of Green

Hi! Thank you so much to those who linked up last month! Our Top Picks are:
#11 Bonnie Garby
#38 Melanie H
#66 Love & Kisses
#84 Judy H
#115 Silke
#129 Zowie
Grab your TOP PICKS button from the sidebar!

Now on to this month's challenge...

Ch# St. Patrick's Day or lots of Green
Any type of crafting welcome





Have fun! Can't wait to see your creativity!

Wednesday, February 1, 2023

February: 139 Love

Hi! Thank you so much to those who linked up last month! 
Our Top Picks are: 

#1 Pinky's World Crafting Projects
#60 Chris
#98 Judy V
#106 Rainey's Craft Room
#128 Pauline C

Grab your TOP PICKS button from the sidebar! 

Now on to this month's challenge...

Ch# 139 Love
Any type of crafting welcome






Sunday, January 1, 2023

January: 138 Celebrations

Happy New Year!
I pray God will bless you abundantly this year!
I pray for your healing, circumstances will change, fear will flee,
new friends come along, miracles happen, 
and that you & your family are protected & blessed in every way. 


Welcome to Crafting Happiness Challenges
and a brand new year!
Our Design Team provides hand made projects to this challenge blog on the 1st of each month. However, they are free to post their project to their personal blog any day during the month, not necessarily on the 1st.

Be sure to visit their blogs to see all the creations they are posting!
Most of these ladies are on several Design Teams, offer Videos, and are a wealth of ideas. You will find all sorts of creative things.

Janis (me) Founder & Design Team, Pause Dream Enjoy
DT Jeanette, Cre8tive Play
DT Faith, Daffodil Cards


Thank you so much to those who linked up last month! 
Our Top Picks are:

37 Carole J 
64 Larissa
85 Pauline C
105 Chris
170 Kellianne
171 Myriam

Congrats! Grab your TOP PICKS button from the sidebar!



Now on to this month's challenge...

Any type of crafting welcome






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