
Monday, August 2, 2021

Ch# 107

 Get out your paper & glue 

and let's craft together!

Top Picks from last week's challenge are:
#8 Diny
#17 Roberta
#18 Irmelin
#21 Aunty Sue
#23 Rachelle Oltean
#32 niki1
#42 Max
#44 Rina
#47 Kuni
#50 Carole J
#56 Bonnie in Kersey
#57 Roberta
#65 J. Atterbury Creations
#70 Billie A

Yay! Grab your button from the sidebar.

Always Anything Goes

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter


  1. Congrats to the top picks!
    Have a great day!
    Marilyn ❤️

  2. Happy Dance to top picks - thank you for the new challenge!

  3. You are one busy lady.. so cute on your creations. Love the layout scrapbook and cards. Awesome works. Thank you for picking my card as one of the top pick winners. Congratulations to the other winners.

  4. Thank you for the challenge. Lovely cards and scrapbook page

  5. Bedankt dat ik een ven de toppers ben.....blij mee!
    Ook gefeliciteerd aan de andere winnaars.
    Groetjes Diny


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