
Monday, August 30, 2021


Crafting is therapeutic. Who else needs some crafting therapy this week? Me! Me! Me!  
Top Picks from last week's challenge are:
#5 Jackie T
#7 Gail
#27 Maz
#32 Linda
#34 Claudia
#44 Donna W
#52 Rosi
#55 Shirley Gentry
#57 Billie A
#80 Roberta
#81 Judy V
#88 Made By Mandy
Yay! Grab your button from the sidebar.

Always Anything Goes

Monday, August 23, 2021


It's a brand new week. Time to do some creative crafting!
Top Picks from last week's challenge are:
***in random order***
#74 Cup of Cheer
#56 Heather Mills
#23 Debi B
#102 Beverly Jordan
#70 Maria Giselle B
#54 Liliane Carvalho
#101 Debbie C
#48 Kuni
#33 Rachael
#61 Made By Mandy
#46 Dreja
#3 Happy Haunting
#44 Myriam
#82 MarjaDch

Yay! Grab your button from the sidebar.

Always Anything Goes

Monday, August 16, 2021


 It's a brand new week! Let's do some crafting!!
Top Picks from last week's challenge are:
***in random order***
#102 Roberta
#89 Bonnie Garby
#24 Carole J
#67 Rosina
#37 Mary Marsh
#73 Billie A
#62 Heather Mills
#41 Jolanda
#22 Myriam
#63 Gloria Shirr
#61 Melanie H
#76 Liliane Carvalho
#68 Irene M
#2 Ans Gilbert
Yay! Grab your button from the sidebar.

Anything Goes

Monday, August 9, 2021

Ch# 108

Bored? Good! Time to get crafting!!
Top Picks from last week's challenge are:
(in random order)
#21 Rose Andrew
#72 Rachael
#102 I Like Paper
#85 LoopyLoo
#40 Mary Marsh
#34 Lisa J
#31 Gerda
#2 Ans Gilbert
#41 Jackie C
#82 Marilyn
#30 Irene M

Yay! Grab your button from the sidebar.

Always Anything Goes

Monday, August 2, 2021

Ch# 107

 Get out your paper & glue 

and let's craft together!

Top Picks from last week's challenge are:
#8 Diny
#17 Roberta
#18 Irmelin
#21 Aunty Sue
#23 Rachelle Oltean
#32 niki1
#42 Max
#44 Rina
#47 Kuni
#50 Carole J
#56 Bonnie in Kersey
#57 Roberta
#65 J. Atterbury Creations
#70 Billie A

Yay! Grab your button from the sidebar.

Always Anything Goes

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