
Top Picks

Challenge #71 Most Liked and Top Picks!!

The Most Liked project from last week's challenge is...  
(click photo caption to visit the blog for details on this project.)

Sherri Thacker


(These images are displayed in random order. Click on the image to visit their blog for details.)

Challenge #70 Most Liked and Top Picks!!

The Most Liked project from last week's challenge is...  

Click the image to visit Silke's blog


(These images are displayed in random order. Click on the image to visit their blog for details.)

2020 October's Top Picks...

Congratulations to Cards R Fun - You were the MOST LIKED project voted on by other entrants. What an honor!

Cards R Fun

And now for the Top Picks (click the image to visit their blog for details on their crafty creation)....

Thank you to everyone who linked up last month. So sorry for the delay in posting the Most Liked and Top Picks!

Don't forget to click LIKE on the other entries you like. The Most Liked project will be featured at the end of the challenge along with the Top Picks.


  1. Thank you very much for choosing my card as a Top Pick and congratulations to all the winners.

    Hope everyone is safe and well. Stay Happy, Healthy, crafting and creating joy.

    Love Mandy xxx

  2. Thanks so much for the votes for a Top Pick. Congrats to all the other Favorites!

  3. Thanks to all who voted for my card as a Top Pick! It' always nice to know that others like what you make! Congrats to the rest of the Top Picks as well! :)

  4. Thank you for choosing my tag in your Top Picks. I am displaying my badge. Thanks for a great challenge. Lisa J

  5. Thank you for choosing my bag in your Top Picks for Challenge #71. I am so thrilled. Thanks for a great challenge. Lisa J

  6. Congrats to the winners!
    Have a great day!


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