
Monday, August 31, 2020

Challenge #64

I never finished choosing the Top Picks for last week before it posted. Oopsie. Anyway, I've added more Top Picks to the list from Sunday's post, so be sure to scroll down and see all of the beautiful projects.

Also, the Most Liked project is posted.
Guys - be sure to keep clicking the like button on all the projects you like that others are entering in this challenge. It was CLOSE last week. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd top picks were just 1 or 2 votes apart.



Hi crafters! So glad you are here.
Hope you'll join in the fun this week.

Always Anything Goes

Janis Lewis, Pause Dream Enjoy

**Use the LIKE button on the project photos you like.
The top LIKED photo will be featured on Sunday!**

Sunday, August 30, 2020

Top Picks

Are you ready?!
The MOST LIKED project from last week's entries voted on by other challenge participants is.....


Top Picks from the last challenge are...

This list is in random order and will resort randomly each time you visit. Be sure to click on the image to see the blog post with details about these wonderful projects.

Thank you all so much for joining the fun last week! 
A new challenge starts tomorrow.
The theme is Always Anything Goes.

See you tomorrow!
Hugs, :) Janis

Monday, August 24, 2020

Challenge #63

The Top Picks and MOST LIKED project from last week are below this post. Sorry for the delay in getting it up. Crazy busy weekend at our house - but it was a great one. Hope your's was too.

Hi crafters! So glad you are here.
Hope you'll join in the fun this week.

Always Anything Goes

Janis Lewis, Pause Dream Enjoy

**Use the LIKE button on the project photos you like.
The top LIKED photo will be featured on Sunday!**

Sunday, August 23, 2020

Top Picks

So sorry for the last post!
The MOST LIKED project voted on by other participants in the challenge is.....

....wait for it....

Congratulations, Birgit! Your card is amazing! 
I have to say, it was my favorite too. :)

Top Picks from the last challenge are...

Projects are posted in random order (and the order changes each time you re-visit or refresh your screen.)
Click on the image to visit the blog post about the project.

Congrats, everyone!
Don't forgot to click LIKE on entries each week.
You can click more than one, and your own as well.

Thank you all so much for joining the fun last week! 
A new challenge starts tomorrow.
The theme is Always Anything Goes.

See you tomorrow!
Hugs, :) Janis

Monday, August 17, 2020

Challenge #62

Hi crafters! So glad you are here.
Hope you'll join in the fun this week.

Always Anything Goes

Janis Lewis, Pause Dream Enjoy

**Use the LIKE button on the project photos you like.
The top LIKED photo will be featured on Sunday!**

Sunday, August 16, 2020

Top Picks

The Most Liked project from last week's entry voted on by other participants is....

Congratulations! Our other crafters loved your work!
This card is adorable!! I love it too.

Top Picks from the last challenge are...

These project images are linked to their blogs.
Click the image to view their blog post and project details.



Thank you all so much for joining the fun last week! 
A new challenge starts tomorrow.
The theme is Always Anything Goes.

See you tomorrow!
Hugs, :) Janis

Monday, August 10, 2020

Challenge #61

Hi crafters! So glad you are here.
Hope you'll join in the fun this week.

Always Anything Goes

Janis Lewis, Pause Dream Enjoy

**Use the LIKE button on the project photos you like.
The top LIKED photo will be featured on Sunday!**

Sunday, August 9, 2020

Most Liked & Top Picks

Thank y'all so much for linking up your fun projects last week!
Did you click any LIKES for the other entries you liked?
Be sure to do that this coming week in our new challenge.
You can click your own and as many others as you like.

The MOST LIKED entry from last week is....

//drum roll//

Woo-Hoo!  Great job! 
Our other participants in this challenge LIKED your project the most! What an honor from other crafters like yourself.

Top Picks from the last challenge are...

Shown in random order. 
Everytime you refresh your screen or visit again,
they scramble the list around. :) 


Thank you all so much for joining the fun last week! 
A new challenge starts tomorrow.
The theme is Always Anything Goes.

See you tomorrow!
Hugs, :) Janis

Monday, August 3, 2020

Challenge #60

Hi crafters! So glad you are here.
Hope you'll join in the fun this week.

Always Anything Goes

**Use the LIKE button on the project photos you like.
The top LIKED photo will be featured on Sunday!**

Sunday, August 2, 2020

Top Picks

Top Picks from the last challenge are...

Fabulous job! Congrats!

The MOST Liked project from last week 
voted on by visitors to our blog is....

///drum roll///

Kuni's Craft Blog


Thank you all so much for joining the fun last week! 
A new challenge starts tomorrow.
The theme is Always Anything Goes.

See you tomorrow!
Hugs, :) Janis